Posted by Peter Brainch on 25 October 2019

Yardley Hockey Club Race Night – Friday 22nd   November 2019

Once again it is approaching the time for our Club’s main fundraising event of the season  – the traditional Race Night that we have been successfully running for many years now.

The date is Friday 22nd  November at the Willclare Sports and Social Club, B26 2NX. This date was published in the Pre-season Circular and is on the Fixture Card – so hopefully you have already decided to come along to support the event.

There are nine races in all – eight plus a special auctioned race to complete the evening.

It is hoped to attract sponsors for each race at £30 a time. The Club is very grateful for the sponsors who have agreed to help so far. There is room for more offers in this direction.

Before the event we need to sell horses – there are eight in each race. So at least 64 are there to be sold. See Pete, Jeevan, Mat, Alex or Paul if you want to buy a horse ( or horses. There is no limit to the number of horses one person can buy) A horse will cost you £3 to buy.  You will need to think of a name for your horse. All horses bought will be entered onto a race card available on the night.   If your horse wins a race you will win a cash prize.

The final race, the traditional Auction Race is a special race whereby horses have to be auctioned off and bought just before the race itself. The owner the winning horse in this race will receive 50% of the takings from the horse sales for this race.

There is a Jackpot feature during the evening. Entrants will need to try to guess the winning horses in Races 3,4,5,6,7. Choices are entered on a form available on the night. An entry will cost £3. You can enter as many times as you like, at the going rate each time you enter. The person or persons winning or sharing the most wins in this feature will win 50% of the takings for the event.

During the evening you can all enjoy a little flutter and try to guess the winning horse.

To help raise further funds for the Club there will be the traditional Raffle. Club members and friends are invited to donate a raffle prize. There has always been a good response to this. Donations of prizes can be brought on the night.

It’s a good fun occasion.  We hope that as many club members as possible will come along with family members and / or friends. I trust that club members will also spread the word to remind everyone over the next few weeks up until the event.

 Hope to see you on the 22nd or thank you for any support you can give to the event if you are unable to attend.

Pete Brainch  (Club Secretary)

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