Posted by Peter Brainch on 1 March 2017

The Club's annual Quiz night proved to be another enjoyable occasion in spite of fewer numbers attending this year. For many reasons some of the regular quiz attenders from previous years were unable to participate this year.

However, four quality teams took part in a quiz to cater for all. Each round had a range of questions to tax the little grey cells. The Blockbuster proved to be its usual mixture of all sorts and the picture part of this contained the usual mix of the well-known and those less familiar.

There were many prizes kindly donated for the raffle and so many many thanks are due to all who donated prizes.

At the end of it all Neal's team did the double - winning the quiz and the Blockbuster.

This year it was decided to try a fish and chip supper to precede the quiz. This proved to be very popular and easy enough to deal with. The fish and chips were delicious!!

Many thanks to all who attended and to those who helped in any way.  Zach and Paul for sorting the food. Neil and Keith as markers. Pete for the questions. To all prize donators and raffle sellers.

In the final analysis a modest £153 was raised for Club Funds.

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