Extra-ordinary General Meeting

Posted by Peter Brainch on 17 September 2019

Dear Club Member

The Club’s Management Committee gives notice of an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting, to take place on Monday 23rd September, at 7.30pm at the Willclare Club. It is hoped that as many Club members as possible will be able to attend this vital meeting.

You may be already aware that the club currently enjoys an informal partnership with the City of Birmingham Hockey Club. The CBHC currently comprises a ladies’ section only. Its members were formerly members of Barford Tigers Ladies’ Section. They broke away to form their own Club earlier this summer. Their Chairman also has links with the Birmingham City University and as such, has access to a pool of students who might well be interested in playing hockey.

The proposal is that for the season 2020-2021 that Yardley Hockey Club becomes the men’s section of CBHC. The plan would be for the men’s and ladies’ sections to each run their own affairs, but with potential for joint activities and social events. The Management of Yardley Hockey Club sees the possible opportunity to gain players from the student body to enable YHC to achieve its aim of re-stablishing a second team. There will also be opportunities to gain players to enhance the 1st team squad.

The EGM is being called to enable club members to attend and to air their views and hopefully vote on the way forward. It is hoped that as many club members as possible will be able to attend. However, if members are genuinely unable to attend, they can apply to the Club Secretary for a postal or electronic vote. This must be done by applying by Wednesday 18th September. All votes via this method must be signed and returned via post or e-mail to the Secretary by noon on 23rd September. The Secretary’s contact details can be found in the pre-season circular or in the fixture card.

For your information I include here some points for your consideration:

Currently, Yardley Hockey Club consists of a 1st X1 and a Badgers team. There is also a group of non-playing members/life members/friends of the Club.

The Club does not currently have enough players to be able to run a second team, although this remains an aim. Membership is rather static at present and recruitment of adult playing members remains an on-going issue. At present there is a large enough squad of Badgers’ players – who come and go for many reasons. There is also a small number of Intermediate players, now too old for Badgers, not ready for 1st team and so with no team to graduate to.

Basically, there is a proposal that Yardley Hockey Club becomes the men’s section of the City of Birmingham Hockey Club. After more than 80 years of proud history, originally as Birmingham Municipal Hockey Club before changing to its present name in 1993/4



From 1932 to 1993 the Club was known as Birmingham Municipal HC and up until 1990 ran four adult sides.

From 1991 until 2007 the Club ran just three adult sides and a Badgers side. Badgers were introduced in 1993

From 1993 the club became Yardley HC

From 2008, the club ran just two adult sides and a Badgers side. The 2nd team, no longer playing league hockey, playing in a Fathom set-up, occasionally requiring players to ‘double up’ to fulfil the fixture.

During 2018/19 season the second adult side was dropped due to lack of numbers.

During 2018/19 season there were a few occasions when the club could not field a full 1st team.


Yardley Club members have some serious thinking to do before any further decisions are made

 Yardley’s members’ decisions should include thoughts about:

  • Accepting that Yardley HC could become the men’s section of the City of Birmingham Hockey Club – therefore becoming City of Birmingham Hockey Club and playing under that name.
  • The new men’s section would continue to be managed by the officials of Yardley Hockey Club, with opportunities for new club members to take up official positions on the new management committee.
  • There would need to be a new constitution and Selection Policy drawn up. These could hopefully be based on the current policies in place.
  • There would be a new club badge and new playing colours. These are already in use by the ladies’ section. A new Code of Conduct, Development Plan, Mission Statement, new web site set-up will also be needed.
  • Decisions would need to be taken concerning any new club playing venue and social base.  Present facilities would not necessarily need to be replaced.
  • Presumably there will be a need to revise Club finances – There would need to be a re-adjustment balancing our current expenses with those of the ladies’ section. There would need to be new kit bought.
  • Although the men’s and ladies’ sections would each run their own affairs there would be opportunities to arrange joint whole club activities and social events.  
  • The new proposals include Badgers and Youth teams who would also become the City of Birmingham Hockey Club Badgers Section, presumably still playing in the Conference set up.


The Management committee has called this EGM to enable club members to have their say. The Management Committee, looking positively to the way forward, recommends that members give serious thoughts to supporting this opportunity.

If members do not back this proposed move, the Management can only see a very uncertain future ahead.


At the end of all the discussions, members will be given the opportunity

  • Either,  To vote for the proposed new changes. This could/should provide opportunities a more secure future – to possibly strengthen the 1st X1, to allow the formation of a re-established 2nd X1, also playing at its own level in the Open League set-up. Any new set-up would take effect from the2020-2021 season. There would need to be a ‘settling in’ period. Nothing will change for the 2019-2020 season.
  • Or,  To decide NOT to go along with the proposals. This could lead to an uncertain future in terms of recruitment and the aim of re-forming a 2nd X1, and indeed the whole future of Yardley Hockey Club.


Peter  Brainch

Club Secretary

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