Posted by Peter Brainch on 29 November 2017
The Club’s traditional Race Night proved to be another good night out.
The club is most grateful for all who agreed to Sponsor a race and all those who bought the 80 horses that were sold. It is great that that basic support is there from club members and their friends and families.
On the actual night of the event there were the usual hardy club stalwarts and their families and friends who supported the event. What was also very pleasing was the great support shown by the Ridgemere Club itself. Apart from those Club members who bought horses there was a regular input from the pool players and other locals who popped through to place their bets and take part in the final Auction Race.
In the end, the club has gained £399 from the event. So, a very good outcome, one of our best efforts.
The final total was enhanced by the Jackpot feature and the Raffle.
Many thanks to all who donated prizes. They were all very much appreciated.
Congratulations to all raffle prize winners, to all those whose horse won a race, to all who had a winning bet, to those lucky winners of the Jackpot and the Auction Race. Thanks also to the raffle ticket sellers.
Finally, thanks to all who contributed to a good night out.
Pete Brainch
Club Secretary