Annual Club Dinner 2017
Posted by Peter Brainch on 24 April 2017
This year’s annual Club Dinner attracted 37 diners. Over recent years, numbers have struggled to get up to thirty, so it was good to see a good assembly of diners this year. Everyone was delighted to see that Chris was well enough to attend the meal, but he left the presentation of the awards to Pete. It was also good to see Malcolm Smith coming back to see us again, also Jim and Philippa Clarkson joining us. Carol and her staff served up an excellent meal once again and so it can be said that a very pleasant evening was enjoyed by one and all. It is noted that after the meal, several of the younger diners adjourned to the dance floor and enjoyed an impromptu mini disco with music provided from someone’s phone I think! Pete made the presentations (see below) although only Zach was there to receive his. The other two were presented at the end of season Club Day, the following day.
Finally, Pete was thanked for arranging the occasion.
Congratulations to all this season’s award winners:
Player of the Year: Matthew Bartlett
Young Player of the Year: Ubaydah Iqbal
Clubman of the Year: Zach Jarvis